Our Services

At our clinic, we specialize in high-risk obstetrics, offering comprehensive care to ensure both the mother and baby’s health during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. High-risk pregnancies may require extra attention due to various factors, and we provide expert care to manage these risks effectively. Here’s a breakdown of the different services and treatments we offer:
Normal Delivery After Cesarean Section (VBAC)
A Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) is possible for many women who have had a previous C-section. It involves giving birth vaginally in a subsequent pregnancy after a prior C-section. VBAC is a safe option for women who are healthy and have had only one previous C-section. However, it’s important to carefully evaluate factors like the reason for the previous C-section and your overall health. Our team of experts will guide you through the decision-making process and closely monitor the pregnancy to ensure a safe delivery for both you and your baby.
Normal Deliveries & Instrumental Deliveries
A normal delivery is when the baby is born through the birth canal without the need for surgical intervention. It’s the most natural form of childbirth, and most women experience it without complications. However, in some cases, when labor doesn’t progress as expected, instrumental deliveries may be necessary. This involves using tools like forceps or a vacuum to assist in the birth. We ensure that both mother and baby are in good health and make decisions based on what’s safest for both.
LSCS (Lower Segment Cesarean Section)
An LSCS is a surgical procedure where the baby is delivered through an incision in the lower part of the mother’s abdomen and uterus. This is typically done if a vaginal delivery is not possible due to complications such as fetal distress, placental issues, or if the baby is in a breech position. While a cesarean section is a safe option in many cases, our team works hard to ensure it’s only performed when necessary for the safety of the mother and baby.
Water Birthing
Water birthing is an alternative method where labor and delivery take place in a pool of warm water. It is known to help relax the mother, reduce pain, and make the birth process more comfortable. The buoyancy of water helps relieve pressure, and many women find it a soothing experience during labor. Our clinic provides a safe and controlled environment for water births, ensuring all precautions are taken to protect both mother and baby during the process.
Sphincter Repair
During vaginal delivery, sometimes the muscles around the anus (called the sphincter) can tear. This is especially common with forceps or instrumental deliveries. Sphincter repair is a procedure to repair these tears, restoring function and preventing long-term complications like incontinence. Our experienced team of obstetricians ensures that any tears are properly treated, and we provide comprehensive care during the recovery process to ensure the mother’s comfort and well-being.
Each pregnancy and birth is unique, and our team of specialists will work with you to create a personalized care plan. Whether you are planning a vaginal birth after a C-section, a water birth, or need specialized care, we are here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way. Your health and safety are our top priority!